Monday, November 17, 2008

Cold Weather & Calves

With cold weather approaching it is important to consider the health calves in the herd. It is critical in the first few weeks of birth to keep calves warm. The reasoning is that a calf actively regulates its body temperature when the outside temperature is between 50 and 80 Bottle feeding a calfdegrees Fahrenheit and anything below that may cause the calf to burn up their body fat reserve. For example, when the temperature drops from 55 to 25 degrees, a calf requires one-third more energy, just to maintain body weight and temperature. Because more energy is required to maintain body temperature there is little left for growth. Calves need to be fed more energy during cold months to ensure heath.

Here are some tips offered to ensure calves stay well fed and warm this winter.

  1. Provide a clean, dry and draft-free hutch or pen to give calves the best opportunity to stay warm.
  2. Feed a milk replacer with at least 20% fat to increase energy intake.
  3. Increase liquid diet by 25-50%. This can be done by increase feeding rate of milk replacer, increase volume of milk feed and feed a fat supplement that can be mixed with milk or milk replacer. Milk should be fed between 100-105 degrees.
  4. Keep water available to calves 30 minutes to one hour after each feeding as water intake stimulates starter intake.
  5. Focus on a good calf starter management program, which will maximize intake.

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