Monday, November 17, 2008

2009 - The Year of Ethanol

Ethanol gas pump image
It is reported that despite market conditions the ethanol industry continues strides of growth. Industry leaders say this will position the fuel as the “largest supplier of energy in this country”. In addition both ethanol fuel and distillers grains for livestock feed seem to be looking at a big year for business in 2009.

It is estimated that ethanol production capacity is expected to reach 11.9 billion gallons in 2009, which is up an estimated 9.3 billion gallons this year. About one third of the grains going into the refining process will exit as distillers dried grains to be marketed as livestock feed. These processes will not only meet domestic livestock feed demand, but will also reach foreign shores, boosting US trade output.

“Who would have believed five years ago that the ethanol industry would be the largest supplier of energy in this country,” says Bruce Rastetter, CEO of Hawkeye Renewables.

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